Dr Mesbah latifa
Good interpersonal and professional communication skills
High knowledge in radiobiology and physics for radiation therapy
Expertise in the diagnosis and care of patient cancer
Management workflow in radiation therapy process
Varian Eclipse treatment planning software
Aria software
SBRT; IMRT and IGRT for several disease sites
Radiosurgery Gamma-knife and Linacs based radiosurgery
Gynecological 3D brachytherapy
Ability to navigate the world of publication, clinical investigation and data
Statistical analysis with SPSS
Fluent French, Arabic and Spanish speaker, average English
Doctor of Medicine: University Mohamed IV Rabat, Morocco (December 2000)
Residency: 2001-2005 in Radiation oncology department, National Institute of Oncology,
Rabat, Morocco
Graduate in Radiation Oncology: University Mohamed IV Rabat, Morocco (July 2005)
Fellowship: 2009-2010; training at Madrilenian Institute of Oncology, Madrid, Spain
Professional experience
2020-present: Chief unity of radiation oncology; Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre; Rabat
2011-2020: Chief unity of oncology and palliative care; centre Hospitalier Régional; Rabat
2005-2010: attending physician; department of radiation therapy; National Institute of
Oncology; Rabat
Post-graduation degree
Master’s Degree in Modern Technics in Cancer Radiotherapy: SRS; SBRT; IGRT; IMRT; adaptive radiation therapy and modern brachytherapy. University of Murcia, Faculty of Medicine, Spain (62 ECTS). October 2010
University degree in Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology: University Mohamed IV, faculty of Medicine, Rabat. Mai 2012
Postgraduate certificate in palliative care in oncology: instututo catala de oncologia; Spain
Helical tomotherapy in the treatment of pediatric malignancies: a preliminary report of feasibility and acute toxicity: Latifa Mesbah , Raúl Matute, Sergey Usychki , César Beltrán and Hugo Marsiglia, Radiation Oncology 2011, 6:102
Esthésioneuroblastome olfactif: expérience de l’institut d’oncologie de Rabat et revue de la littérature P. M. Gaye ; L. Mesbah ;L. Kanouni ;N. Benjaafar ;B. K. El Gueddari.Journal Africain du Cancer / African Journal of Cancer;February 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 36–40|
Books and Chapters:
CANCER: Données générales, diagnostic et traitement, chapter Cancer du cerveau et chapter SBRT des metastases hépatiques
Manuel de Cancérologie: connaissances fondamentales et Pratiques, chapter: Nouvelles techniques en radiothérapie
Orales posters
Aplicaciones Clinicas: Desarrollo Tehnologico en el Cancer de Recto; II Master Internacional en Aplicaciones tecnologicas Avanzadas en Oncologia Radioterapica; 31 Mars 2011; Madrid
Tratamemiento Multidisciplinar de las Metastasis Cerebrales: Papel de la Radiocirugia; 2da Jornada de Neurooncologia; 11 Nov 2009; Madrid
Quel Futur pour la Curiethérapie dans le Monde de la Radiothérapie Moderne;4ème Journée Nationale de l’association Marocaine de physique Médicale;14 Dec 2013
Clinical investigation :
Hospital Registry of National Institute of Cancer: data collecting and analyze; 2003-2008
Registry of population of Rabat: collecting data; 2008
Continuing education
- ESTRO contouring Workshop, esophageal carcinoma, Brain Cancer and Breast cancer after reconstruction
- ESTRO congress: 2010, 2017 et 2021
- Contouring cervical Cancer, 7th international congress of Mohamed VI Centre for Cancer Treatment
- Hands on Contouring Course of Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Istambul, Jun 2013
- Site Security Plan Development Write-shop: US department of energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Sep 9019, Casablanca, Morocco
- The 15th Edition of OSCAR LAMBRET Radiotherapy congress: brachytherapy apostosis? January 2010
- Oncology Information System Training by Varian Medical Systems International: April 2014
- The 6th international nasopharyngeal carcinoma Symposium, Istanbul Jun 2013
- ESTRO Teaching Course: Modern Brachytherapy technics, Madrid 2010
- The 6th international oncological reunion: Radiation Therapy in third millennium, by Society Espanola de radiation Therapy and GUSTAVE ROUSSY Institute, Madrid May 2010
- 23th course On Antitumor Chemotherapy and Medical Treatment for Cancer, Accreditation Council of oncology in Europe (ACOE), GUSTAVE ROSSY Institute, January 2008 (80 CME credit points)
- Workshop on Target Volume Delineation in EBRT, Moroccan society on medical physics, Rabat, Jun 2007
- IAEA –AFRA Regional Teaching Course: CNPC Treatment, October 2004
- Initiation to Biostatistics and Medical writing workshop: university Mohammed V, Faculty of Medicine, Rabat, February 2003
- ISRO International Teaching Course on Cervical Cancer: December 2002
Community involvement
Certificated Life Coach: No limit coaching, Paris, Mars 2020
ACT Patrician: therapy of acceptation and engagement, Paris October 2019
Active member in:
Société Marocaine de Cancérologie
Société marocaine de radiothérapie
European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
Ribat Ahl Chefchaouen Association: cultural and social association
ARAH Association for self-development
Good interpersonal and professional communication skills
High knowledge in radiobiology and physics for radiation therapy
Expertise in the diagnosis and care of patient cancer
Management workflow in radiation therapy process
Varian Eclipse treatment planning software
Aria software
SBRT; IMRT and IGRT for several disease sites
Radiosurgery Gamma-knife and Linacs based radiosurgery
Gynecological 3D brachytherapy
Ability to navigate the world of publication, clinical investigation and data
Statistical analysis with SPSS
Fluent French, Arabic and Spanish speaker, average English
Doctor of Medicine: University Mohamed IV Rabat, Morocco (December 2000)
Residency: 2001-2005 in Radiation oncology department, National Institute of Oncology,
Rabat, Morocco
Graduate in Radiation Oncology: University Mohamed IV Rabat, Morocco (July 2005)
Fellowship: 2009-2010; training at Madrilenian Institute of Oncology, Madrid, Spain
Professional experience
2020-present: Chief unity of radiation oncology; Clinique d’Oncologie 16 Novembre; Rabat
2011-2020: Chief unity of oncology and palliative care; centre Hospitalier Régional; Rabat
2005-2010: attending physician; department of radiation therapy; National Institute of
Oncology; Rabat
Post-graduation degree
Master’s Degree in Modern Technics in Cancer Radiotherapy: SRS; SBRT; IGRT; IMRT; adaptive radiation therapy and modern brachytherapy. University of Murcia, Faculty of Medicine, Spain (62 ECTS). October 2010
University degree in Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methodology: University Mohamed IV, faculty of Medicine, Rabat. Mai 2012
Postgraduate certificate in palliative care in oncology: instututo catala de oncologia; Spain
Helical tomotherapy in the treatment of pediatric malignancies: a preliminary report of feasibility and acute toxicity: Latifa Mesbah , Raúl Matute, Sergey Usychki , César Beltrán and Hugo Marsiglia, Radiation Oncology 2011, 6:102
Esthésioneuroblastome olfactif: expérience de l’institut d’oncologie de Rabat et revue de la littérature P. M. Gaye ; L. Mesbah ;L. Kanouni ;N. Benjaafar ;B. K. El Gueddari.Journal Africain du Cancer / African Journal of Cancer;February 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 36–40|
Books and Chapters:
CANCER: Données générales, diagnostic et traitement, chapter Cancer du cerveau et chapter SBRT des metastases hépatiques
Manuel de Cancérologie: connaissances fondamentales et Pratiques, chapter: Nouvelles techniques en radiothérapie
Orales posters
Aplicaciones Clinicas: Desarrollo Tehnologico en el Cancer de Recto; II Master Internacional en Aplicaciones tecnologicas Avanzadas en Oncologia Radioterapica; 31 Mars 2011; Madrid
Tratamemiento Multidisciplinar de las Metastasis Cerebrales: Papel de la Radiocirugia; 2da Jornada de Neurooncologia; 11 Nov 2009; Madrid
Quel Futur pour la Curiethérapie dans le Monde de la Radiothérapie Moderne;4ème Journée Nationale de l’association Marocaine de physique Médicale;14 Dec 2013
Clinical investigation :
Hospital Registry of National Institute of Cancer: data collecting and analyze; 2003-2008
Registry of population of Rabat: collecting data; 2008
Continuing education
- ESTRO contouring Workshop, esophageal carcinoma, Brain Cancer and Breast cancer after reconstruction
- ESTRO congress: 2010, 2017 et 2021
- Contouring cervical Cancer, 7th international congress of Mohamed VI Centre for Cancer Treatment
- Hands on Contouring Course of Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Istambul, Jun 2013
- Site Security Plan Development Write-shop: US department of energy, National Nuclear Security Administration Sep 9019, Casablanca, Morocco
- The 15th Edition of OSCAR LAMBRET Radiotherapy congress: brachytherapy apostosis? January 2010
- Oncology Information System Training by Varian Medical Systems International: April 2014
- The 6th international nasopharyngeal carcinoma Symposium, Istanbul Jun 2013
- ESTRO Teaching Course: Modern Brachytherapy technics, Madrid 2010
- The 6th international oncological reunion: Radiation Therapy in third millennium, by Society Espanola de radiation Therapy and GUSTAVE ROUSSY Institute, Madrid May 2010
- 23th course On Antitumor Chemotherapy and Medical Treatment for Cancer, Accreditation Council of oncology in Europe (ACOE), GUSTAVE ROSSY Institute, January 2008 (80 CME credit points)
- Workshop on Target Volume Delineation in EBRT, Moroccan society on medical physics, Rabat, Jun 2007
- IAEA –AFRA Regional Teaching Course: CNPC Treatment, October 2004
- Initiation to Biostatistics and Medical writing workshop: university Mohammed V, Faculty of Medicine, Rabat, February 2003
- ISRO International Teaching Course on Cervical Cancer: December 2002
Community involvement
Certificated Life Coach: No limit coaching, Paris, Mars 2020
ACT Patrician: therapy of acceptation and engagement, Paris October 2019
Active member in:
Société Marocaine de Cancérologie
Société marocaine de radiothérapie
European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
Ribat Ahl Chefchaouen Association: cultural and social association
ARAH Association for self-development