Pr José Maria Soler
Pr de Néphrologie
A. Personal Statement
Dra. MJosé Soler is Chief of the Clinical Nephrology and dialysis Unit at the Vall d´Hebron Hospital and directs projects of research focused on both clinical and experimental diabetic nephropathy. H-Index 52. After finishing her specialization as a Clinical Nephrologist at the Hospital del Mar (Autonomous University of Barcelona) a period of training as « Postdoctoral Research Fellow » at Northwestern University in Chicago IL (period 2 years, 2005-2006). In 2007 she successfully defended her PhD thesis – Experimental diabetic nephropathy and angiotensin 2 converting enzyme », with an extraordinary award. Later, she joined the Nephrology Service at the Hospital del Mar. Currently she is the Head of Clinical Nephrology and Dialysis Unit of Nephrology Department at Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron. Member of the Research Group on kidney diseases (GREN) and principal investigator of projects focused on Diabetic Nephropathy. She has established collaborations with different Research groups both nationally and internationally: CARDIO-ISQ-IDIBAPS, IRB Lleida, CUN Pamplona, Cardiovascular Research Institute Northwestern University (Chicago), Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (Canada), Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota), LMU Munich, Germany. among others. She has supervised 7 theses doctoral. 2 of them with European Mention and 4 of them with maximum score, excellent/cum laude. She also directed 7 dissertations and 4 final degree projects. She has been consecutively funded by ICSIII for more than 15 years, the result of this work have also been communications in congresses of national and international character: American Society of Nephrology (ASN), European Society of Nephrology (ERA_EDTA) and the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN)…. She has participated in the creation of the European clinical practice guidelines for Diabetic Nephropathy: « Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher ». She has been part of the more known international and national (SCN, SEN) scientific Nephrology societies (ASN, ERA-EDTA, EDNSG, EFSD). She was co-Chair of the WP3 « Improving the outcomes of diabetic kidney disease » in the « Chronic kidney Disease » program from REDINREN (RD16/0009/0013). She is currently Principal Investigator within the RICORS2040 (KIDNEY DISEASE) network (RD21/0005/0016). She has been an elected member of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Transplant and Dialysis Association) Council, former EDTA-flash editor-in-chief, former member of the ERA-EDTA ENP Committee and former member of the ERA-EDTA Press Validation Committee (2018-2020). Chair of the ERA-EDTA Abstract Validation Committee (February 2019-). She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Nephrology 2021- and elected vice-president of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. She has been a member of Kidney News (American Society of Nephrology) from 2020-2022. She is editor of the CKJ (Clinical Kidney Journal) since 2015 and of the BMC Nephrology since 2017. She was editor-in-chief of the Clinical Kidney Journal (2022). Currently she is co-Chair of the SN Western Europe Regional Board.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
2002-2004 Consultant/Hospital del Mar. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Spain.
2005-2006 Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
2007-June 2018. Nephrology faculty in Hospital del Mar. Fundación IMIM. Spain.
2015-June 2018. Associate Professor, Departament de Ciencies Experimentals i de la SaLut, Pompeu Fabra Univeristy, Barcelona, Spain.
2017- – Coordinator WP3 (shared with Dr. Navarro and Dr. Martinez Castelao). REDINREN.
2018- May 2018- Council Member, ERA-EDTA
2018- May- Editor in Chief, EDTA-flash, currently named “Nephrology News Flash”.
2018- July 2018- – Nephrology faculty in Hospital Vall d´Hebron.
2018-2021 Council Member, Green Nephrology Committee de la European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA)
2018-2021 ENP Committee, ERA-EDTA
2018-2021 Press Validation Committee, ERA-EDTA
2018- Council Member, Big Data Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.)
2019- Council Member, GEENDIAB (Grupo Español de Estudio de la Nefropatía Diabética) (S.E.N.)
2019- ERA-EDTA Distinguished Fellow (FERA)
2019- Chair of the Paper Selection Committee ERA-EDTA
2019-2022 Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Member ERA-EDTA
2020- Council Member of Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.), teaching coordinator
2020- Head of Guard (on-call director), Hospital Vall d´Hebron
2021-2022 Member of the ASN Board News (not compatible with EIC of CKJ).
2021- Council Member, Cardiorenal Group Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC)
2021 Selection Committee Member: NephMadness Covid-19 region
2021- Research lab group leader, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). Nephrology and kidney transplantation
2022- Editor in Chief of Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ)
2022- Chair of the International assessment committee (CAI) of VHIR.
2022- Head of Clinical Nephrology/Dialysis Unit, Hospital del Vall d´Hebron.
2022- Principal Investigator at Vall d´Hebron of RICORS3040 (Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud). Renal Spanish Network
Editor in Chief of Clinical Kidney Journal, starting term may 2022.
Honors (last 5 years)
2021 Best paper published. Sociedad Catalana de Nefrología. Cataluña. Spain. “Risk factors for non-diabetic kidney disease in diabetic patients”. S Bermejo… MJ Soler.
2020 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 57th Virtual Congress. “Clinical characteristics and independent predictors of check point inhibitors associated AKI:What do we know?”. M Bolufer, ….. MJ Soler.
2020 Absolute best abstracts in the ERA-EDTA 57th Virtual Congress. “Antimyeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 antibodies are a useful marker as nephritis flare predictor in anca-associated vasculitis ”. E Rodríguez, ….. MJ Soler…
2019 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 56th Congress in Budapest, Hungary. “Endothelial progenitor cells and carotid plaque progression in kidney transplants ”. MA Azancot, ….. MJ Soler, F Moreso, D Serón.
2018 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 55th Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Circulating ADAM17 activity as a marker of cv events in CKD patients ”.V Palau, ….., MJ Soler.
2018 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 55th Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy have worse renal prognosis. STUDY BIODIAB-GLOSEN-GEENDIAB”. S Bermejo, …..MJ Soler.
2017 Best Abstracts presented in 10ª Reunión de investigación en fisiopatología vascular de la SEH.LELHA in Madrid, Spain “Efecto de la deleción de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2(ECA2) sobre la homeostasis de la glucosa y el SRA”, 10ª Reunión de Investigación en Fisiopatología Vascular. V Palau, H Roca-Ho…. MJ Soler 2016 Best Abstracts presented in XXXII Reunió Anual de la Societat Catalana de Nefrologia in Barcelona, Spain. “Estudi multicèntric dels pacients diabètics amb biòpsia renal al territori espanyol”. S Bermejo… MJ Soler.
E. Completed and Ongoing Research Support (From 2014)
- ERAPerMed 2022, Towards a personalized clinical management of oncologic patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) associated to immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2022). María José Soler Romeo (Coordinator. PI). (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2023-31/12/2026. 1.221.932 €.
- PI21/01292, Desentrañando las vías protectoras de los SGLT2i y GLP-1RA en la enfermedad renal diabética: papel de las proteínas adaptadoras MAP17 y D-AKAP-2 en ratones db/db y organoides renales humanos. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2024. 122.210 €.
- RD21/0005/0016, RICORS2040 (KIDNEY DISEASE). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Maria José Soler. (Hospital Universitario Vall d`Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2024. 105.765 €. Principal investigator.
- Estudio de validación de una aplicación para Smartphone (NORA) en pacientes con enfermedad renal diabética avanzada. Efecto en la progresión de la enfermedad renal y la mortalidad cardiovascular en época COVID.. Fundación SENEFRO. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d`Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2023. 24.000 €. Principal investigator.
- 215/C/2021, The interplay between ACE2 and AXL systems to predict COVID-19 disease severity and outcomes. Marató TV3. Maria José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/10/2021-31/12/2023. 399.065,53 €. Co-coordinator.
- 421/C/2020, Deciphering the Mechanisms of PLA2R-specific B-cell Autoimmunity in Primary Membra-nous Nephropathy. Marató TV3. Maria José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2021-31/12/2023. 100.767 €.
- EIN2020-1123381, Personalized treatment for immunotherapy-related acute tubulointerstitial nephri-tis. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/08/2020-31/12/2022. 15.000 €.
- Guía práctica clínica sobre detección y manejo de la enfermedad renal diabética. Sociedad Española de Nefrología. María José Soler Romeo. (Geendiaab). 01/01/2020-31/12/2021. 24.000 €.
- RD16/0009/0030, Co-Coordinador WP3. Red de Investigacion Renal REDINREN. Instituto de Salud Car-los III. Daniel Serón. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L’HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D’HEBRON). 01/01/2017-31/12/2021. 105.435 €.
- RD16/0009/0013, Red de Investigacion Renal REDINREN. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Julio Pascual Santos. (FUNDACIÓ IMIM). 01/01/2017- 31/12/2021. 105.435 €. Team member.
- CA19127, Cognitive decline in Nephro-Neurology: European Cooperative Target. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d ´Hebron). 01/01/2020-31/12/2020. 40.000 €.
- PI17/00257, Mecanismos de acción del bloqueo dual de la endotelina y el SGLT2 en la protección cardiorenal en la diabetes tipo 2. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2018-31/12/2020. 238.370 €.
- PI14/00557, Papel del ADAM17 y « shedding » del ECA2 en la Nefropatía diabética. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (FUNDACIÓ IMIM). 01/01/2015-31/12/2017. 110.715 €.
F. Activities of technology/knowledge transfer and results exploitation
- Scientific contributions
Director Thesis: 7
Principal investigator of grants obtained from competitive national calls: 9 grants
Principal investigator of European Grant: 1 grant
Participation in clinical trials as principal investigator: more than 30
Authorship of more than 250 scientific papers in peer review journals, including top-cited journals (Kidney International, cJASN, JASN), mainly in chronic kidney disease.
ORCID code: 0000-0003-3621-0766
H index (Google Scholar): 52
A reviewer of 30 peer review journals
H. 10 Best Papers in the last 7 years.
(for more information, more thank 250 papers in PubMed:
1 Soler, MJ (AC); Ribera, A; Ferreira-Gonzalez, I. (1/11). 2021. Association of renin-angiotensin system blockers with COVID-19 diagnosis and prognosis in patients with hypertension: a population-based study.CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL. 15, pp.79-94. ISSN 2048-8505.
2 Bobart, SA; Han, H; Tehranian, S; et al; Soler, MJ (AC); Fervenza, FC. (10/12). 2021. Noninvasive Diagnosis of PLA2R-Associated Membranous Nephropathy: A Validation Study.CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIE-TY OF NEPHROLOGY. 16-12, pp.1833-1839. ISSN 1555-9041.
3 Soler, MJ; Noordzij, M; Abramowicz, D; et al; Gansevoort, RT. 2021. Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers and the Risk of COVID-19-Related Mortality in Patients with Kidney Failure CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN
SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY. ERACODA Collaborators. 16-7, pp.1061-1072. ISSN 1555-9041.
4 Palau, V; Nugraha, B; Benito, D; Pascual, J; Emmert, MY; Hoerstrup, SP; Riera, M; Soler, MJ (AC). (8/8). 2021. Both Specific Endothelial and Proximal Tubular Adam17 Deletion Protect against Diabetic Nephropathy INTERNA-TIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 22-11. ISSN 1422-0067.
5 García-Carro C; Soler, Maria Jose. (12/12). 2021. Acute kidney injury as a risk factor for mortality in oncologi-cal patients receiving check-point inhibitors.NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. ISSN 1460-2385.
6 Palau, Vanesa; Riera, Marta; Duran, Xavier; Valdivielso, Jose Manuel; Betriu, Angels; Fernandez, Elvira; Pas-cual, Julio; Soler, Maria Jose (AC). (8/8). 2020. Circulating ADAMs are associated with renal and cardiovascular outcomes in chronic kidney disease patients (vol 35, gfy240, 2018) NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. 35-9, pp.1642-1642. ISSN 0931-0509.
7 Jose Luis Gorriz; Juan Francisco Navarro-Gonzalez; Alberto Ortiz; Ander Vergara; Julio Nuñez; (AC); Alberto Martínez-Castelao; Soler Maria Jose (6/6). 2020. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition: towards an indica-tion to treat diabetic kidney disease Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association. pp.i13-i23. ISSN 0931-0509. WOS (11)
8 Soler, Maria Jose (AC); Clotet-Freixas, Sergi; Palau, Vanesa; Anguiano, Lidia; Gimeno, Javier; Konvalinka, Ana; Pascual, Julio; Riera, Marta. (1/8). 2018. Sex dimorphism in ANGII-mediated crosstalk between ACE2 and ACE in diabetic nephropathy LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. 98-9, pp.1237-1249. ISSN 0023-6837.
9 Montero, Nuria; Fava, Alexandre; Rodriguez, Eva; Barrios, Clara; Cruzado, Josep M.; Pascual, Julio; Soler, Maria Jose. (7/7). 2018. Treatment for hepatitis C virus-associated mixed cryoglobulinaemia COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS. 5. ISSN 1469-493X.
10 B Quiroga; Soler MJ, A Ortiz; et al;. (2/19). 2021. Safety and immediate humoral response of COVID-19 vaccines in chronic kidney disease patients: the SENCOVAC study Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Oxford Academic. ISSN 1460-2385.
A. Personal Statement
Dra. MJosé Soler is Chief of the Clinical Nephrology and dialysis Unit at the Vall d´Hebron Hospital and directs projects of research focused on both clinical and experimental diabetic nephropathy. H-Index 52. After finishing her specialization as a Clinical Nephrologist at the Hospital del Mar (Autonomous University of Barcelona) a period of training as « Postdoctoral Research Fellow » at Northwestern University in Chicago IL (period 2 years, 2005-2006). In 2007 she successfully defended her PhD thesis – Experimental diabetic nephropathy and angiotensin 2 converting enzyme », with an extraordinary award. Later, she joined the Nephrology Service at the Hospital del Mar. Currently she is the Head of Clinical Nephrology and Dialysis Unit of Nephrology Department at Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron. Member of the Research Group on kidney diseases (GREN) and principal investigator of projects focused on Diabetic Nephropathy. She has established collaborations with different Research groups both nationally and internationally: CARDIO-ISQ-IDIBAPS, IRB Lleida, CUN Pamplona, Cardiovascular Research Institute Northwestern University (Chicago), Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (Canada), Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota), LMU Munich, Germany. among others. She has supervised 7 theses doctoral. 2 of them with European Mention and 4 of them with maximum score, excellent/cum laude. She also directed 7 dissertations and 4 final degree projects. She has been consecutively funded by ICSIII for more than 15 years, the result of this work have also been communications in congresses of national and international character: American Society of Nephrology (ASN), European Society of Nephrology (ERA_EDTA) and the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN)…. She has participated in the creation of the European clinical practice guidelines for Diabetic Nephropathy: « Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher ». She has been part of the more known international and national (SCN, SEN) scientific Nephrology societies (ASN, ERA-EDTA, EDNSG, EFSD). She was co-Chair of the WP3 « Improving the outcomes of diabetic kidney disease » in the « Chronic kidney Disease » program from REDINREN (RD16/0009/0013). She is currently Principal Investigator within the RICORS2040 (KIDNEY DISEASE) network (RD21/0005/0016). She has been an elected member of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association-European Transplant and Dialysis Association) Council, former EDTA-flash editor-in-chief, former member of the ERA-EDTA ENP Committee and former member of the ERA-EDTA Press Validation Committee (2018-2020). Chair of the ERA-EDTA Abstract Validation Committee (February 2019-). She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Nephrology 2021- and elected vice-president of the Spanish Society of Nephrology. She has been a member of Kidney News (American Society of Nephrology) from 2020-2022. She is editor of the CKJ (Clinical Kidney Journal) since 2015 and of the BMC Nephrology since 2017. She was editor-in-chief of the Clinical Kidney Journal (2022). Currently she is co-Chair of the SN Western Europe Regional Board.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
2002-2004 Consultant/Hospital del Mar. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Spain.
2005-2006 Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
2007-June 2018. Nephrology faculty in Hospital del Mar. Fundación IMIM. Spain.
2015-June 2018. Associate Professor, Departament de Ciencies Experimentals i de la SaLut, Pompeu Fabra Univeristy, Barcelona, Spain.
2017- – Coordinator WP3 (shared with Dr. Navarro and Dr. Martinez Castelao). REDINREN.
2018- May 2018- Council Member, ERA-EDTA
2018- May- Editor in Chief, EDTA-flash, currently named “Nephrology News Flash”.
2018- July 2018- – Nephrology faculty in Hospital Vall d´Hebron.
2018-2021 Council Member, Green Nephrology Committee de la European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA)
2018-2021 ENP Committee, ERA-EDTA
2018-2021 Press Validation Committee, ERA-EDTA
2018- Council Member, Big Data Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.)
2019- Council Member, GEENDIAB (Grupo Español de Estudio de la Nefropatía Diabética) (S.E.N.)
2019- ERA-EDTA Distinguished Fellow (FERA)
2019- Chair of the Paper Selection Committee ERA-EDTA
2019-2022 Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Member ERA-EDTA
2020- Council Member of Spanish Society of Nephrology (S.E.N.), teaching coordinator
2020- Head of Guard (on-call director), Hospital Vall d´Hebron
2021-2022 Member of the ASN Board News (not compatible with EIC of CKJ).
2021- Council Member, Cardiorenal Group Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC)
2021 Selection Committee Member: NephMadness Covid-19 region
2021- Research lab group leader, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). Nephrology and kidney transplantation
2022- Editor in Chief of Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ)
2022- Chair of the International assessment committee (CAI) of VHIR.
2022- Head of Clinical Nephrology/Dialysis Unit, Hospital del Vall d´Hebron.
2022- Principal Investigator at Vall d´Hebron of RICORS3040 (Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud). Renal Spanish Network
Editor in Chief of Clinical Kidney Journal, starting term may 2022.
Honors (last 5 years)
2021 Best paper published. Sociedad Catalana de Nefrología. Cataluña. Spain. “Risk factors for non-diabetic kidney disease in diabetic patients”. S Bermejo… MJ Soler.
2020 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 57th Virtual Congress. “Clinical characteristics and independent predictors of check point inhibitors associated AKI:What do we know?”. M Bolufer, ….. MJ Soler.
2020 Absolute best abstracts in the ERA-EDTA 57th Virtual Congress. “Antimyeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 antibodies are a useful marker as nephritis flare predictor in anca-associated vasculitis ”. E Rodríguez, ….. MJ Soler…
2019 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 56th Congress in Budapest, Hungary. “Endothelial progenitor cells and carotid plaque progression in kidney transplants ”. MA Azancot, ….. MJ Soler, F Moreso, D Serón.
2018 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 55th Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Circulating ADAM17 activity as a marker of cv events in CKD patients ”.V Palau, ….., MJ Soler.
2018 Best Abstracts presented by young Authors in the ERA-EDTA 55th Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy have worse renal prognosis. STUDY BIODIAB-GLOSEN-GEENDIAB”. S Bermejo, …..MJ Soler.
2017 Best Abstracts presented in 10ª Reunión de investigación en fisiopatología vascular de la SEH.LELHA in Madrid, Spain “Efecto de la deleción de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2(ECA2) sobre la homeostasis de la glucosa y el SRA”, 10ª Reunión de Investigación en Fisiopatología Vascular. V Palau, H Roca-Ho…. MJ Soler 2016 Best Abstracts presented in XXXII Reunió Anual de la Societat Catalana de Nefrologia in Barcelona, Spain. “Estudi multicèntric dels pacients diabètics amb biòpsia renal al territori espanyol”. S Bermejo… MJ Soler.
E. Completed and Ongoing Research Support (From 2014)
- ERAPerMed 2022, Towards a personalized clinical management of oncologic patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) associated to immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (2022). María José Soler Romeo (Coordinator. PI). (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2023-31/12/2026. 1.221.932 €.
- PI21/01292, Desentrañando las vías protectoras de los SGLT2i y GLP-1RA en la enfermedad renal diabética: papel de las proteínas adaptadoras MAP17 y D-AKAP-2 en ratones db/db y organoides renales humanos. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2024. 122.210 €.
- RD21/0005/0016, RICORS2040 (KIDNEY DISEASE). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Maria José Soler. (Hospital Universitario Vall d`Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2024. 105.765 €. Principal investigator.
- Estudio de validación de una aplicación para Smartphone (NORA) en pacientes con enfermedad renal diabética avanzada. Efecto en la progresión de la enfermedad renal y la mortalidad cardiovascular en época COVID.. Fundación SENEFRO. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d`Hebron). 01/01/2022-31/12/2023. 24.000 €. Principal investigator.
- 215/C/2021, The interplay between ACE2 and AXL systems to predict COVID-19 disease severity and outcomes. Marató TV3. Maria José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/10/2021-31/12/2023. 399.065,53 €. Co-coordinator.
- 421/C/2020, Deciphering the Mechanisms of PLA2R-specific B-cell Autoimmunity in Primary Membra-nous Nephropathy. Marató TV3. Maria José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2021-31/12/2023. 100.767 €.
- EIN2020-1123381, Personalized treatment for immunotherapy-related acute tubulointerstitial nephri-tis. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/08/2020-31/12/2022. 15.000 €.
- Guía práctica clínica sobre detección y manejo de la enfermedad renal diabética. Sociedad Española de Nefrología. María José Soler Romeo. (Geendiaab). 01/01/2020-31/12/2021. 24.000 €.
- RD16/0009/0030, Co-Coordinador WP3. Red de Investigacion Renal REDINREN. Instituto de Salud Car-los III. Daniel Serón. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L’HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D’HEBRON). 01/01/2017-31/12/2021. 105.435 €.
- RD16/0009/0013, Red de Investigacion Renal REDINREN. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Julio Pascual Santos. (FUNDACIÓ IMIM). 01/01/2017- 31/12/2021. 105.435 €. Team member.
- CA19127, Cognitive decline in Nephro-Neurology: European Cooperative Target. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d ´Hebron). 01/01/2020-31/12/2020. 40.000 €.
- PI17/00257, Mecanismos de acción del bloqueo dual de la endotelina y el SGLT2 en la protección cardiorenal en la diabetes tipo 2. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron). 01/01/2018-31/12/2020. 238.370 €.
- PI14/00557, Papel del ADAM17 y « shedding » del ECA2 en la Nefropatía diabética. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. María José Soler Romeo. (FUNDACIÓ IMIM). 01/01/2015-31/12/2017. 110.715 €.
F. Activities of technology/knowledge transfer and results exploitation
- Scientific contributions
Director Thesis: 7
Principal investigator of grants obtained from competitive national calls: 9 grants
Principal investigator of European Grant: 1 grant
Participation in clinical trials as principal investigator: more than 30
Authorship of more than 250 scientific papers in peer review journals, including top-cited journals (Kidney International, cJASN, JASN), mainly in chronic kidney disease.
ORCID code: 0000-0003-3621-0766
H index (Google Scholar): 52
A reviewer of 30 peer review journals
H. 10 Best Papers in the last 7 years.
(for more information, more thank 250 papers in PubMed:
1 Soler, MJ (AC); Ribera, A; Ferreira-Gonzalez, I. (1/11). 2021. Association of renin-angiotensin system blockers with COVID-19 diagnosis and prognosis in patients with hypertension: a population-based study.CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL. 15, pp.79-94. ISSN 2048-8505.
2 Bobart, SA; Han, H; Tehranian, S; et al; Soler, MJ (AC); Fervenza, FC. (10/12). 2021. Noninvasive Diagnosis of PLA2R-Associated Membranous Nephropathy: A Validation Study.CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIE-TY OF NEPHROLOGY. 16-12, pp.1833-1839. ISSN 1555-9041.
3 Soler, MJ; Noordzij, M; Abramowicz, D; et al; Gansevoort, RT. 2021. Renin-Angiotensin System Blockers and the Risk of COVID-19-Related Mortality in Patients with Kidney Failure CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN
SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY. ERACODA Collaborators. 16-7, pp.1061-1072. ISSN 1555-9041.
4 Palau, V; Nugraha, B; Benito, D; Pascual, J; Emmert, MY; Hoerstrup, SP; Riera, M; Soler, MJ (AC). (8/8). 2021. Both Specific Endothelial and Proximal Tubular Adam17 Deletion Protect against Diabetic Nephropathy INTERNA-TIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 22-11. ISSN 1422-0067.
5 García-Carro C; Soler, Maria Jose. (12/12). 2021. Acute kidney injury as a risk factor for mortality in oncologi-cal patients receiving check-point inhibitors.NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. ISSN 1460-2385.
6 Palau, Vanesa; Riera, Marta; Duran, Xavier; Valdivielso, Jose Manuel; Betriu, Angels; Fernandez, Elvira; Pas-cual, Julio; Soler, Maria Jose (AC). (8/8). 2020. Circulating ADAMs are associated with renal and cardiovascular outcomes in chronic kidney disease patients (vol 35, gfy240, 2018) NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. 35-9, pp.1642-1642. ISSN 0931-0509.
7 Jose Luis Gorriz; Juan Francisco Navarro-Gonzalez; Alberto Ortiz; Ander Vergara; Julio Nuñez; (AC); Alberto Martínez-Castelao; Soler Maria Jose (6/6). 2020. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition: towards an indica-tion to treat diabetic kidney disease Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association. pp.i13-i23. ISSN 0931-0509. WOS (11)
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